Aims and Objective

Our aims and objectives are as follows:-

  • This society will put together the researchers, scholars, academician of several part of country at a capital region.
  • To build next generation of researcher.
  • Motivate the young researchers from rural and urban area of country.
  • Provide the new plateform for sharing and exchange of Idea in multidisciplinary group.
  • To search the unstrapped talent among young graduate students.
  • Enhance the interdisciplinary culture of research.
  • To organize the conference on yearly basis. To organize the seminar time to time in school level also. To publish the magazine and journal of society.
  • Educate and bring awareness to people about this new and exciting field of science.
  • Raise, discuss and debate nano-related issues, including government policies on nanotechnology.
  • Offer different levels of memberships, with benefits, to people working in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
  • Promoting education and training through organizing workshops, short educational courses, seminars, etc.
  • Provide an effective advertising platform for companies to promote their business.
  • Publish Journals, Books, Reports and Newsletters.
  • Bringing to the front, current and most recent up-to-date scientific and technical formation to the public.
  • Provide consultancy services to both people from academia and industry.